Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blog Post #1

Now that you are following my blog, you should be able to easily find any posts that I make here.  This is where I will post assignments for your independent reading.  I will let you know in class when you need to check my blog for an assignment, but it will be up to you to go online, see what the assignment is, and complete it on your own blog.  As always, the more effort I can tell you are putting into your blog, the more inclined I will be to give you credit or extra credit.  Make it your own and have fun.

For your first blog post I would like you to write a healthy paragraph on why you chose the independent reading book that you did.  What did you consider?  The author?  The title?  Is it part of a series or genre you like?  Fancy book cover?

Please post a healthy paragraph on your blog that I can read online. Remember to use "Blog Post #1 as the title.

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